Best Water for Maximum Growth for Your Plant

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You need to consider many things when growing cannabis, but using the correct kind of water is critical. Cannabis plants are no different from ordinary plants; you must water them correctly and efficiently. Unfortunately, many cultivators—especially new cultivators—water their cannabis plants with any water they can get their hands on.

Here’s the problem: using water without checking the pH or EC can be disastrous. Your plants can become ill, attract pests, and lead to terrible overall buds. 

Here’s how you can ensure you use the best water to grow incredible cannabis:

The Best Water for Growing Cannabis Plants 

1. Tap Water

The most popular water type for cannabis growers is tap water because it’s the most readily available. However, the quality of the tap water depends on where you live. In some nations, you can’t even drink tap water, let alone give it to your precious cannabis plants. 

Therefore, you should check the tap water quality yourself. Tap water can be hard (EC + 0.8), medium (EC + 0.4), or soft (EC – 0.4). Tap water may also contain chlorine, lime, and fluoride; these can kill the natural life in your soil and cause significant issues. If your tap water is healthy and okay for cannabis plants, let the water sit for 24 hours so the minerals have time to fall to the end of the tank. 

2. Distilled Water

You can find distilled water in shops and supermarkets; it’s a popular option for cannabis growers because it’s readily available. Thankfully, distilled water doesn’t contain any other microorganisms, and it’s perfect for plants because it has zero minerals. 

However, your distilled water has a pH of over 7.0 and an EC of 0.0. Therefore, we recommend you adjust the PH and add calcium and magnesium until it reaches an EC of 0.4. 

3. Rain Water

Sometimes, nature can give our cannabis plants what they need. You can use rainwater by filling it up in a tank and storing it for a later date. What’s more, you can use rainwater to feed any cannabis plant because water naturally eliminates any harmful elements. As a result, rainwater is one of the cleanest waters on earth.

To enjoy the highest quality rainwater possible, you should set up a water collection system. You’ll need to ensure this system stays as clean as possible; otherwise, you could decrease the water quality. In addition, try to use rainwater from outside big cities because it’s likely to avoid pollution issues. 

4. Bottled Mineral Water

Using bottled mineral water can be an excellent idea for your cannabis plants, but it depends on the mineral water. For the most part, bottled mineral water is okay for cannabis plants, yet it’s not the best option. Still, it’s better than using river water. 

Bottled mineral water won’t contain harmful substances and will have an EC level of under 0.5 with a pH of 7.0. However, it may have many minerals, which may affect the soil and how the plant grows. If you need to use bottled mineral water for your cannabis plants, select the brand with the lowest number of minerals. Also, adjust the pH and EC to the best level. 

5. Spring Water, Wells, and Reservoirs

If you’re lucky enough to live near a spring, you may have the perfect water for your cannabis plants. However, there’s one issue: you must have a study conducted on the water to know its chemical and mineral content. Remember, this is utterly essential; there’s no way you can avoid it. If you take a chance—you could destroy your entire harvest because spring water may contain bacteria and fungi. 

If you have a well on your property, you can treat it with chlorine and ultraviolet light to ensure the water is suitable for plants. However, you’ll need to speak with the local authorities if you want to use a spring or a reservoir for your cannabis plants. 

6. River Water

Many people live near a river. It may sound like an excellent idea for your cannabis plants. However, in most cases, you should avoid using river water. Typically, rivers are many kilometers long, and pesticides have contaminated the water. In addition, rivers can also contain dead animals, pollution, and trash. 

Nevertheless, rivers aren’t always a no-no. You can ask your local authorities about your river to judge the pollution levels. Your river could be relatively clean, but you’ll need confirmation from the experts. Still, we only recommend using river water if you have no other option. 

7. Air Conditioner Water 

Some cannabis growers may use the water from their air conditioner. You can use this water for your cannabis plants because it’s already distilled water. However, you should use an EC meter; however, this depends on how old the AC unit is. 

If your air conditioning unit is old, the water may have an EC of 0.4 instead of 0.0. Therefore, you may need to adjust it. 

Final Thoughts 

Although water is a critical aspect of your plant’s growth, it’s not too complicated. Choose the best water option, adjust the pH and EC, and use as much water as required. If you need to use springs, rivers, and wells—conduct prior research to prevent any issues. 

If you follow the tips in this article, you’ll feed your cannabis plants an excellent amount of healthy water to maximize their growth.

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